President's Address Hello brothers, the email you have just received is our monthly newsletter that we plan on sending out to keep you updated on what is going on in the chapter. We know and understand that it is important to keep the relationships from undergrad to alumni strong and hope that this newsletter will only strengthen that bond. Below are a few of the events that we held this August and above is a picture of the brothers currently in the chapter now. We hope that this newsletter will help brothers stay in tune with what is going on in the chapter and strengthen the relationship from undergrad to graduate brothers.
Thank you, and God Bless, President Olumuyiwa Aladebumoye

August 16th, 2014 the brothers of Omicron Kappa hosted our annual summer car wash to raise money for March of Dimes as one of our National Initiatives at Arby's on South College. Our goal with this car wash was to raise $500 dollars, and while we were successful in obtaining this goal, we will still be spending the rest of the year raising money for March of Dimes.

Jungle Phever was our official back to school party on August 22nd. The event turned out to be a success and we were able to start the year of right in true OK fashion.
Reunion Weekend
Reunion weeked is set for Oct 3rd-5th. We are excited about the plans we have been coming up with and feel that this is going to be one of our best events this year. The committee is working hard in order to get the weekend prepared and ready, so be sure to be on the lookout for more information regarding that weekend. We just wanted to go ahead and get out the dates to all of the alumni members so that you would be able to mark it down on your calendars.

Move In Mania took place on August 13th. This event involved the brothers going out onto campus and helping upcoming freshman move in to their respective dorms. This is the third year the brothers in the chapter have done this and it turned out to be another huge success.